Yacht: Play the Originality Card on Vacation

Looking for a vacation? Looking for sun and relaxation? The season is fast approaching, and it’s a good idea to consider all possible options to make the most of one of the most enjoyable times of the year. Because summer vacations don’t come around every week, it’s time to think about the best way to make them a success, and there are generally two options: go for the classic or opt for the original. It’s the latter that we’re going to talk about here.
Habit or Originality: a Choice That’s Not so Complicated
We often hear people yearning for calm, tranquillity, rest and sunshine for their vacations. But can you find that on a crowded beach, after sometimes a ten-hour drive to get to your vacation destination? Why not get off the beaten track and treat yourself to something really different by taking a closer look at yachts for rent?
This option, which offers new and exciting perspectives to all who consider it, is one to be urgently considered. If you’re planning to enjoy the French Riviera this summer, you owe it to yourself to look into the subject of yachting: between calanques and coves, from Marseille to Menton, via Monaco, the land is never as beautiful as when seen from the shore.
There Are Many Benefits to Be Had on Board Your Boat
For a few days or several weeks, renting a boat specially designed and fitted out for a perfect stay is the answer to many of the inconveniences encountered on the French coast in summer.
The first is overcrowding: how can you avoid the crowds and overcrowding on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice or the Croisette in Cannes? How can you avoid finding yourself between two unfamiliar beach towels or in a row of anonymous deckchairs? The boat, your boat, is the one that offers you the luxury of being truly at peace and able to enjoy the few days you give yourself 100%.
Life on Board Won’t Cut You Off From the World
This doesn’t mean that you’ll cut yourself off from life on land and its benefits: you’ll have plenty of time to travel between your boat and the shores of the Mediterranean. but you’ll be able to anchor your boat in harbors and near the most beautiful sites, on warm turquoise waters.
A First-Class Onboard Experience
Enjoy life on board, take time to relax in the sun, where no one will disturb you. You’re in the driver’s seat, and you alone decide where you want to go, with no road or traffic constraints. Goodbye traffic jams for your daily swims, goodbye impersonal hotel rooms: you can relax in a cabin like you’ve never seen before. Don’t hesitate to invite your guests on a cruise: whether or not they stay on board for the night, they’ll be as dazzled as you by the magical sensations of life on the waves. A crew at your service for a first-rate hotel experience, to live summer and vacations differently: your way.